PR in Private Health

How to build trust with Healthcare Branding

Is Your Website Costing You Customers?

Setting Marketing Goals for 2024

Social Media Marketing - 5 Things We Learned in 2023

New Online Course About Blogging - The Ultimate Blog Writing Boot Camp

Bold Marketing on a Budget – The LUM Academy is now Live!

How to Start a Tourism Review & Referral Program

How to Get Started Using TikTok

Why Facebook Advertising is a Must for Your Business

Website Policies: What website policy is the right policy?

Team Showcase: Marissa Brammer

Team Showcase: Jenni Milner

A Reflection of 2021, Leaving a Light on for 2022

Mapping Out Your Marketing Metrics

Unpacking Social Media Posting

5 Reasons to Light Up Your Marketing

Utilize Free, Digital Tools for Your Agriculture Market Research

Beyond a press release: How to ensure your business receives the coverage it deserves

Roping in Your Target Audience. Who's in Your Herd?

Costa Rican Vacations: Insights From A Client

Wyoming State Fair: Insights from a Client

YOBOgear: Insights From A Client

Realizing that Marketing and Marketing Agencies are an Essential Part of Your Business

Make Your Relationship Last: Understand Your Role When Working with a Marketing Agency

Team Showcase: Kyle Gamroth

Hiring a Marketing Agency. Retainer vs. Project?

Team Showcase: Julie Schmitt

Team Showcase: Chris Botkins

Does a Marketing Agency's Location Really Matter?

Team Showcase: Nicole Crabb

Team Showcase: Jes Stanbury

5 Ways Company Culture Matters When Choosing a Marketing Agency

Team Showcase: Jessi Sawdon

Team Showcase: Kerstin Ellis

Know Your Goals When Hiring A Marketing Agency

Team Showcase: Leah Reeb Varela

What do you mean by marketing? And other questions you should be asking your marketing agency.

You Get What You Pay For: Cost-Benefit of Hiring a Marketing Agency

What This Marketing Agency Can Do For You

Three Ways You Can Measure Public Relations Success

Create a Culture that Positively Impacts your Public Relations

Don't Freak Out - How to Use Public Relations in a Crisis

Embrace Speaking Opportunities with Confidence Using These 3 Tips

Ways to improve your Reputation Management Online

How to Become a Thought Leader Through Public Relations

Media Relations Best Practices to Improve Your Public Relations

Effective Public Relations: Speak to the core

Relationship Management: Helpful Tips for Building Your Relationships

Why is Public Relations Important? Hint, it Impacts Your Business.

Don't Ignore Marketing Metrics!

Marketing Metrics Case Study: David Street Station

Tracking ROI using your Marketing Metrics

An In-Depth Look at Google Analytics for Marketing Metrics

Defining Key Marketing Metrics

How to Effectively Decompress After Looking at a Screen All Day

Seven Things You Can Do Now to Help Your Business Adapt and Thrive Amidst the COVID19 Challenges

10 Tips to Help You Feel Like a Productive Human

Top Video Conferencing Tips

Use These Marketing Metrics in Each Stage of Your Funnel

Video: The ‘Hottest Happening’ on Social!


5 Types of Social Media Ads You Need to Be Using

How to Engage Influencers

New Year, New Brand

Reframing, Minimizing & Navigating Negative Comments on Social Media

A Reflection, Thanks & Celebration

Developing Content for Your Social Media Audience

Social Media: Canned Responses

Which Social Media Platform Should You Be Using?

Things to Have in Your Marketing Planning Arsenal

Marketing Planning: Building a Marketing Budget Backwards

What a Good Brainstorming Sesh Produces for your Marketing Planning

Why Metrics Are Important to Your Marketing Plan

Build SEO Strategy Into Your Owned Media

Why We Can't Ignore Video As Part of Our Owned Content Strategy

How Owned Media Fits in Your Marketing Strategy

Your Website: The Easiest Place for Owned Content

How to Get Started With Owned Media

Spend A Little to Reap Huge Rewards

How to Identify and Engage Your Social Media Audience

Launching a Brand? Brand Messaging Is More than a Message

It All Hinges On Your Audience!

Let Your Human Show with Your Brand Personality

5 Things to Look for in a Branding Agency

10 Benefits of Branding

What is Branding? Let's Get Something Straight...It's More Than a Logo

Get the Job Done! Key Players in your Marketing Plan

Why It Is Essential to Have A Creative Budget in Your Marketing Plan

LŪM Studio Partner, Leah Reeb Varela, elected to CAEDA/Forward Board

Effective Marketing Starts with a Solid Marketing Plan

A Marketing Plan?! What Exactly is That?

3 Tips to Move Your Social Media Forward

A Sincere Thanks in this Holiday Season

Visual Content Speaks Volumes During Social Media Consumption

The Top 5 Reasons Why Hashtags Are So Important

The Top Social Media Platforms You Should Be Familiar With

Accomplish These Two Steps Before Implementing a Social Media Program

Generational Communication

An Implementable Crisis Management Plan

Tools to Get Your Goal Measurement on Track

Creating User-Friendly Content

A Business Must: Reputation Management

How to Set Good Goals

Top 5 Tips For Maintaining Website Content

Demographics and Your Marketing Strategy

Don't Let These Goal Setting Distractions Get You

Obtain Your Marketing Goals – Google Analytics

Top Apps and Sites to Help You Create Quality Visual Content

The Case for Goal Setting

The LŪM Studio Guide to SEO

Why Website Domain Authority Matters to Your Business

5 Reasons Why Content is King

Using Multiple Social Media Platforms

Tips for Getting Your Emails Opened and Read

Understand How Your Customer's Buying Journey Fits into the Marketing Funnel to Increase ROI

Resolutions for 2018!