How to build trust with Healthcare Branding

Gone are the days where reputation and word-of-mouth are enough to build trust with potential patients. Sure, these things are extremely important as perspective patients rely heavily on referrals and word-of-mouth opinions from family and friends; but in a world with endless choices and growing competition, healthcare marketing for organizations and medical practices must truly stand out against the rest – enter healthcare branding.


What’s branding? We’re glad you asked. Contrary to popular belief, branding is more than a color palette and logo. (Brand check: don’t have a color pallet and logo? You’ll want to keep reading.) Branding is a unique compilation of words, visuals, and ideas all strategically integrated to create your brand’s identity. This includes your logo, color pallet, fonts and typography, messaging, tone, voice, values, and company mission that, together, tell your brand’s story.


Long story short, if you don’t know who you are, how can you expect your patients to know who you are? Happy patients are trusting patients, and branding builds that trust. Your healthcare brand strategy must differentiate you from competitors, communicate your personality, connect with audiences, and be executed consistently.

💡A patient that sees the same messaging from a brand over and over is able to better identify the values of that brand.


Now, let’s talk consistency. Brand recognition, trust, and equity only come when patients see your branding repeatedly (at least a minimum of seven times). This means the same logo, colors, messages, and visuals are represented consistently in every media or type of content you are publishing.


To put it simply, consistent branding:

  • Increases patient trust, loyalty, and advocacy.

  • Differentiates your brand from others and helps you stand out.

  • Establishes industry authority and identity.


The power of successful healthcare brand is the ability to establish patient trust and loyalty. Healthcare is a tough industry for companies to stand out in, but branding is your ticket to being remembered and chosen over others. By now, you either feel confident your brand is building trust, or you feel worried your organization lacks strong branding that represents your identity – so, what can you do?

  1. Start by updating all your elements to align with your brand. Check out our free brand audit to get your started.

  2. Establish your target audience, identify their pain points and create authentic and informative messaging that addresses those points.

  3. Begin telling your company’s story through consistent branding communications on your signage, office design, website, social media, advertising, and other marketing efforts.


OK, we know it’s not that simple, but we’re here to help. We know how to revive your brand’s health to build trust with your audience and execute it consistently, so you stand out amongst the rest. Get started with your identity now at

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