Team Showcase: Jes Stanbury


Jes Stanbury, Account Director and Supreme Editor-in-Chief

I dare you to find someone with more of an eagle eye, razor sharp focus and a certain unending drive to crush her clients marketing needs. Go ahead…we’ll wait.

We like to say that Jes has a laser eye and superhuman abilities when it comes to keying in on her clients’ needs and ensuring that they are executed to the very top of our collective abilities. Jes is known within our group of tight knit creatives for providing top-notch quality control which is based on her personality and passion for her job. Jes is always dependable, and when she tells you she’ll take care of something, you won’t question for a second if she will. Her laidback, cool front and communications background allow her to navigate any situation or conversation with ease, even the toughest ones.

But Jes is so much more than a passionate account director. She is a wonderful wife and fant-abulous mother of two sweet little boys. When Jes isn’t kicking ass at her job, she’s kicking ass on the soccer field, exercising and spending time with her family. From soccer trips and fly fishing on the Platte River to snuggles and bedtime stories with her boys – Jes does it all. And she does it with class, excellence and fun.

When your account is being managed or overseen by Jes, you can trust that she not only has your best interest at heart but that she will go above, beyond and through any obstacle to make sure your marketing needs are not only met but exceeded.

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