
Creating User-Friendly Content

Written by Jessi Sawdon | Sep 5, 2018 3:50:23 AM

Creating content is an integral part of marketing your business. Your content program should include creating quality, consistent content. Ensuring you have a solid content program will allow your users to find the valuable information you have to offer them. But sometimes, ideas aren’t flowing freely or time constraints prevent you from creating new content.

However, one of the biggest things you can do in your content is to make it user-friendly. When you appeal to your reader’s senses or needs, they will share, comment, and review your information and services.  Once you have gained this valuable feedback from your clients, you can use that same information to create new content.

Before gaining feedback to create content, you need to have user-friendly content that is worth sharing. So, what makes your content user-friendly?

Get to the Point

When reading online, people don’t actually read, they scan. Get to the point early on so that your readers can evaluate if what you are sharing is worth reading all the way through.

Include graphics

Breaking up content with photos and other visuals will draw the eye through your content so readers are more likely to read all of what you are saying.

Use Space

Making sure your content is spaced out and not crunched together will automatically make your content more readable. Additionally, don’t cram every inch of white space on your screen with ads, links, or graphics. Keep your site clean so you don’t visually overload your users.


Nothing loses credibility more than poor grammar and spelling. Proofread, proofread, and proofread again.  Users are turned off when your content is unreadable due to easily-fixable mistakes.

Make your Writing Unique

Be personal when you write. Create a tone that is all your own and address your customers questions and needs. People like it when you are relatable. Avoid using all caps or exclamation points too often or you will run the risk the perception that you are yelling at your reader. Use links to point to other pieces of content you have written or outside sources that create credibility or share additional insight.

Once your user-friendly content is created, people will start reading, sharing and commenting. This is the time to use their feedback to create new content for your website or social media. Highlighting a comment or review and linking it to your services is an easy way to provide quick, new content. We’ll dive more into how you can do this in a few weeks.

Use the tips above to create your consistent content, and when you get in a jam, don’t forget to turn to your customers for more valuable feedback and great content ideas.

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